
Developed in the early 20th century by physical trainer Joseph Pilates, Pilates is a low impact physical fitness system that aims to strengthen the bodies musculature while at the same time improving flexibility and postural alignment. Joseph believed that physical and mental health are interrelated resulting in him creating an exercise that strength the human body and mind together. He first used the modality to accelerate the rehabilitation process of World War II soldiers.

Pilates integrates muscle control, strength training, flexibility, breathing and body awareness. It is a series of movements performed on a mat or specifically designed apparatus that engages mind and body. One’s physical, mental and emotional health can benefit from undertaking a Pilates session which then in turn can have an impact on toning the body, improving body posture and increasing flexibility.

Pilates is based of the following principles: Awareness, Balance, Breath, Concentration, Centre, Control, Efficiency, Flow, Precision and Harmony.

Our Pilates instructor Sherilee teaches in a small group environment or a one-on-one basis. Sessions usually run for 45 minutes, and during which time, the clients body movements and breath control are continuously monitored. by the instructor.

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